Sunshine Hand-tied


We love the way these sunshine yellow roses really light up this beautiful bouquet. We’ve added an array of crisp white flowers including stunning lilies and pretty germini and interspersed them with delicate white gypsophila.

Featuring white germini, yellow large-headed roses, white Oriental lilies and white gypsophila, hand-tied with folded aspidistra leaves, eucalyptus and salal, wrapped and presented in Interflora Gift Packaging.

Please Note: Lilies can be toxic to cats and other pets if ingested.


• Professionally arranged by a local florist

• Beautifully presented and delivered by hand

• Includes handwritten card with your personal message

• Add an optional gift at the checkout

• Flower food and care guide included


Approximate Product Dimensions:

Height: 50-55cm, Width: 35cm
Height: 50-55cm, Width: 40cm
Extra Large
Height: 50-55cm, Width: 45cm
Code: C00350YS


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